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machine mill中文是什么意思

用"machine mill"造句"machine mill"怎么读"machine mill" in a sentence


  • 坏式粉碎机


  • The preparation and activation methods of machine milling ( mm for short ) for ni / al and ti / al system tiny powder are researched . the technical treatment of mm makes metal powder a lot of changes in mechanical properties , chemical properties and organization structure
    研究了ti al , ni al系金属微粉的mm制备与活化方法,分析了mm处理工艺使金属粉末在物理性能、化学性能和组织结构等方面的变化。
  • Our business scope is covering that various industrial aluminum extrusion application as radiator , furniture and bathroom ornament accessories , automotive amplifier , container board , sports aluminum section , abnormal and special aluminum extrusion ; product fabrication thought machining milling , drilling , cutting and welding for different size and shape ; and surface treatment for sand grinding , brushing , polishing and printing , braving etc
用"machine mill"造句  
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